This is my take.

I will not let anyone put a needle in me unless it's a matter of life and death due to the many different things I have read about, that are supposedly put into vaccines.
One of these components per my understanding is a compound known as Thiomersal. It's a compund which is derived from Mercury.

I am not a scientist, so I can only glean information, and make my own decisions.

Mercury in your body good? Mercury in your body bad?

The next is what I have read and a bit off the subject, but is Sodium Flouride. Yeah, the stuff they put into toothpaste and drinking water for cavity prevention.
It's my understanding sodium flouride is a by-product of the fertilizer and aluminum industry.
I have also seen evidence that it is a main ingredient in some rodent poisons and insect poisons.

On a tube of toothpaste it specifically says under the warning label and I quote...."If more than used for brushing is accidentally swallowed, get medical help or contact a poison control center right away".

What's up with that? Why isnt that written on a jug of milk?

Should we really be putting that in our mouths?

As I said I am not a scientist, so I can only form my own opinion. Evidence says these things are good, evidence says these things are bad.

Yes science is wonderful, but it also been used in tyrannical ways. Even our own government affiliates used normal vaccines to intentionally infect African Americans with syphillus.

Check this out, who was behind it and the current Federal Executive orders that are able to influence modern "experiments". Third paragraph. Think of this next time a "Federal Entity" recomends something.

So my choice is this, I am not going to be the first in line to put something into my body just because some stranger says "It is good for me."

Today, many "scientific studies" are funded by the entities which wish to capitalize from their use.And many times I see the experimental groups are only subjected for short term.

That in my opinion is like picking up my first pack of cigarettes and smoking them, then 3 months later saying "See I dont have lung cancer or emphysema."

Like I say I am no expert but while the jury is still out..........

Last edited by JamesBryan; 01/12/13 10:46 AM.

Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer.