You couldn't be more correct about a couple of points. First, my way too brief message did not convey the fact that your business is appreciated. Please- - please, let me to apologize for failing to let you know how much we appreciate you purchasing erosion control products from us. Everyone at Sunshine (including myself) know that for the last twenty-five years, it has been our loyal customers that kept us in business. The four key personnel at Sunshine all own a percentage of the company. I insisted on this so all would deal with our customers as an owner should.
Secondly, i will answer your question, "Do I need to seed and apply erosion blanket to the water side of the dam? I have overlapped the top of the dam on the water side 2 lineal feet or so but am wondering if I should put the seed and erosion blanket all the way to the current water level". You MIGHT need to protect the water side of the dam. However, not knowing if you get wave action or other have possible causes of accelerated erosion, I can't say if you may need a higher capability product at the waterline. If you will call me, I can get some particulars from you and work with you to make sure erosion does not cause a problem in the future.
Since 1988, we have worked to inform all who will listen that Alabama must begin protecting our state's unique natural resources. Alabama's natural resources are not matched anywhere in the US. In order to assure our descendants also will have access to clean water, air, and soil, we search out and share the latest proven environmental protection technologies.
Today this technology gives us abilities undreamed of in the past. Currently, we can remove suspended soil particles (mainly clay particles) from Stormwater while the water continues to freely flow. Water can also flow over Alabama red clay and still remain Crystal clear. One new product named PondSeal allows sealing of leaky ponds without removing any water. We try to spread knowledge of these inexpensive solutions to common problems by freely sharing this information with everyone. Regardless whether someone buys product from us, I offer anyone with similar problems to contact me. We would be thrilled to provide our knowledge in the area of soil erosion and sediment control. If anyone needs resources regarding erosion and sediment control please contact me. No one knows everything, but many years of learning the hard way, led me to know experts in many related specialties. Thank you again.
M- 205-790-4334
O- 205-674-5656