Place the unit VERY near the pond, and I'd recommend situating it so the pellets land in the water. wink

Sorry Mike, couldn't resist. Congrats on your purchase, IMO you can't do any better than TH. Prepare yourself for countless hours of enjoyment watching the feeding habits of your fish, learning a ton of new information about their feeding tendencies, and feeling downright giddy as a kid on Christmas every time the feeder goes off!

As far as placement goes, really depends on the species of fish, size of bow, etc. I am feeding AM 500/600 to five species from panfish to predators [BG, YP, GSH, SMB, HSB], so I placed mine in an area where both shallow and deep water receive pellets. If the shallow pellets aren't consumed they drift to deeper water where they are hammered by my predator fish. Mine is aimed to the NNW to take advantage of the most prevalent winds and prevent as much wasted feed possible which can happen when firing into a strong headwind. You could experiment with handfeeding for a while and allow the fish to show you the best setup. But really, it's not all that complicated.

Remember you only want to feed what can be consumed in a 10 minute window. Feeding times again are dependent on your goals. Many guys don't feed into the evening as their BG are more vulnerable to LMB predation. In my case, I need aggressive BG management, so I strictly feed in low light periods.

Keep us in the loop with your installation, success, and any issues or questions that arise. Can't wait to see your first video of the feeding frenzy.

Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after. ~ Henry David Thoreau

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