Thanks again to all for responding to my first post.

Fortunately, we found out our aquifer can pump large quantities of water and we are putting in a 65 gpm pump that will not be using a pressure tank until we build the house (thanks for info Bruce S.) The well guy was initially just trying to give us a middle of road system that could function with everything.

Now I have a couple more questions/concerns that I know someone will have knowledge about.

First, after we enlarged the pond, we had the area hydroseeded down to about 2' past the proposed water line. And one side of the bank wasn't disturbed much at all so the grass was already established. However, the water will eventually be over this entire area and the vegetation is very thick and tall. (natural grasses, clover, some thistles, etc). Should we try to keep this mowed down and/or cleared out until the pond fills? If not, after the water covers this area and the vegetation starts dying, is this harmful? I know it is helpful now because we are getting no soil erosion around the pond when it rains.

Secondly, after the pump is in and we start pumping water into the pond, will it matter where the water is pumped to? The most direct line from the well will be to an area that is dry at the moment (the far East end of the pond - where the majority of the watershed will come in). We were going to put the pipe right at the future water line and pump it over rock to the bottom. We're assuming it will find its way to the existing filled part of the pond and the water will eventually back up and fill the entire pond. Then the pipe will be right at the water line and we can make adjustments to increase oxygen levels.

Is my post clear as mud? Sorry if it is. Questions?/Comments? Thanks!!

Painted Pony