Originally Posted By: FireIsHot
JHAP, this is all fun and games, but somebody always winds up getting an eye put out.
That what eye patches are for.

Originally Posted By: FireIsHot
So here's my question:
I am planning to Rotenone a 1/3 acre pond on my property. Should I seine the pond for GSF before I do this? If so, do I need to relocate them to a more luxurious pond? I sleep very little as it is, and the thought of them scratching at my door at night has me worried.Any help would be appreciated.
Yes, seine the pond and carefully remove the GSF. As soon as I obtain the GPS coordinates of Yolk's pond I will email them to you. You can store excess GSF in his pond, I'm relatively certain he wouldn't mind.

Oh and by the way, our field agents captured this exclusive spy photo of Yolk defending against GSF...


"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives."
...Hedley Lamarr (that's Hedley not Hedy)