Jodi and I won a Mossback fish atttractor setup (three trees and a base like the one on display near the front stage) from the Pond Con V auction and are finally getting around to putting in into the pond. Here is a picture of the assembled product with Jodi:

David with Mossback said we should put a piece of plywood across the boat and put the fish structure on it then move the boat to where we wanted the structure then dump it. However, my boat is 10' long and less than 3' beam width and I've sunk it a few times just getting in so I didn't think it could handle the mossback on it.

I incorrectly thought we could drag the structure into the pond using a rope from accross the pond. This failed miserably because the base and horizontal v-shaped pieces kept sticking in the clay.

Then Jodi had the idea to float it. So we strapped three pool noodles and pushed it off the dock:

Then towed it to the correct place with the mini-boat and added weights(bricks) and untied the float.

All that remains is to catch alot of fish as David promised smile

1 ac pond LMB, BG, RES, CC