Just one man's experience:

First the legal disclaimer..I am not recommending the breaking of any laws most certainly not federal ones. (specificaly WCA: Wetlands Conservation Act)

I haven't seen your land but if cattails have been present for more than a couple of years, my guess would be its a Type I,II, III wetland. You can obtain a soil map for your land it will tell you what its been classified as. Wetlands are great for water but very difficult to build in legally.

Todays laws are very strict compared to even 10 years ago. Not sure, but land mitigation use to be a way people could change or fill in a wetland (also not sure if that was just a MN thing of federal,). Two acres of wetland had to be created for every 1 acre destroyed. Not sure if that still exists. Expensive...yes...but it was a way to do it legally.

If you decide to build and risk without permiting (many people have done this and continue to do this), wetland ponds IMHO act very differently with regards to the water conservation. A lot of the rules of a clay basin pond don't fit.

If it were me, I would find out for sure what my land was deemed. Then start the planning and permiting process.

Last edited by mnfish; 09/05/12 03:23 PM.