Thanks for the quick reply. Yes there is some other species in the pond there is some RES some hybrid BG I believe because of the neon looking blue lines by its mouth and there is catfish. This year I plan to really put a hurt on the catfish population. There is catfish that easily go 8-10# and I have seen a buddy pull one out of a hole that was easily 3' long and had to go over 20# for sure. This weekend the pond will be sprayed with reward but it will not kill all the vegetation and around maybe july june its gets american pondweed around the first3-5' from shore. There is a few spots that are shallow and cover more area then just like along the bank. Around this time those areas are full of holes from the RES/BG spawning. In all honesty I think the catfish might have a big impact on the BOW. I have no real way to calculate how many I think are in there and its somewhat rare I hook one compared to LMB but when I do its usually a good one. I have caught more over 5# then I have caught ones under 2#. I did catch 2 smaller ones on rage craws this year and threw them on the bank. My plan to remove them is like catching turtles and put out milk jugs with rotten chicken livers and see what happens the next day. Or take the boat out at night with a buddy and a few rods a piece and bottom fish the deeper water. If I removed 100# in cats would it make a significant improvement in growth rates or would I need to remove more weight per acre? Sorry for the giant paragraph I was just letting it fly as it came to mind lol sorry.