Thanks so much for the insight. I follow you on the 10.4 psi of hydrastic head that will have to be moved ( 24' x .052 x 8.33 ppg )to achieve flow. The frictional loss for 3/4" PVC ( as per "Hazen-Williams Equation) is 1 gpm = 0.3 per 100', 2 gpm = 1.0 p/100', 3 gpm = 3.5 p/100', 4 gpm = 5.3 p/100' and above 5 gpm is to proceed with caution all the way up to 20 gpm. I never thought of the frictional loss of the pipe due to the short footage of 24' but now see that was a mistake that should have been taken into consideration. (Thanks).

I read up on the link you have listed and found the the perforation or screens must be double of the water height which under my assumption that the screens are at the bottom of the casing is 48', I should be ok in that aspect. As Manis correctly stated above, I would be charging or pressuring up against the aquifer when applying the casing pressure. I guess my question, without testing at this point, would the volume of the aquifier have enough volume to substain the 10.4 psi hysrastic of water table level of 24' + applied pressure of 10.4 psi + the frictional head pressure loss of .3 @ 1 gpm without lateral movement?

If this theory of flow cannot be achieved with the air method, then I guess another alternative method would have to be above ground suction pump. Having the first option succeeding would remove the cost of the second method which was my ultimate goal.....saving those sweet green backs that are so hard to come by....

I am not in the position at the moment to give it a test as Manris suggested but will make an attempt at it in a couple of weeks.

Thanks once again Manris & Jason for your time and thoughts.

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