Now I've zoomed in to the area of interest for this topic. I have outlined the location of the house and the two ponds. The pond closest to the house site is the settling pond, and the other is the proposed fishing pond. The settling pond has several acres of watershed, mostly to the south, that will feed it.

Also there is a pipeline right-of-way, undetectable from this view, just to the southeast side of both ponds which limits any growth in that direction. I could buid another pond on the other side of the right-of-way, but the locations I have picked out are far better, as you will hopefully see.

Late last year I built two small test dams to check the amount of water I can expect from a rainfall, and it appears from the two fairly good rains we got in early spring that I will get a good bit from the watershed.

But as any of you who live in the vicinity know, this was definitely not the year for rains here in Texas. We are still under drought conditions and until a couple of weeks ago had not seen any rain since July. That is why I am plannig a solar powered water system to feed the ponds. I saw many ponds in the area go completely dry this summer, and I don't want that to happen to mine, ever.

By the way, these Google Earth images are from before we purchased the property. A lot has changed since then.

Red Rock Rancher