Originally Posted By: Rainman

I have yet to see a single result mentioned that was even remotely acheived through FA atually being consumed in any quantity that would have achieved said results.

Here is the second year of my pond without algae. No GC yet but LMB, BG, and the algae eaters are in and work as Zetts said they would, 6 Israeli Carp, 20 KOI & 100 CC & 12 albino CC. Notice the size of the small Australian Pines, use them as a reference, I had a nursery put in at this size. There is no FA in this picture.

This is my pond around 10 year old. Note the Australian Pine size, again as a reference for age of the pond. There is no FA. The Israeli Carp, KOI & CC are quite big now as are the GC that were added around year 5.

This picture is after my FA eaters died after 15 years from the winter kill, and to my surprise the huge number of tadpoles were eating FA and keeping the pond clear of FA. The bottom picture shows no FA until the third week of June when they turned into frogs. Doing this time of no FA we had quite hot weather including three strait days of above 90 degree weather. Should have been great FA growing weather. The ponds around my area at this time were having FA problems. The upper picture of the bottom two is FA that developed after the three week. This is the first time I ever had more then a trace of FA in 15 years. The only difference is the pond is without my combination of fish. This is a single result that actually happened just as Zetts said, I tried it, and I think my pictures show the results. I probably have more pictures if I go back through my old photos before I had a digital camera.

The clear pond concept has it’s problems. FA is the obvious one, but without the 18 GC the cattails are out of control also. But the Wood Ducks love it and I have 6 staying all summer. So that's a plus. Just where I am going with all this I don't know yet.