Before you make this decision search the internet and find a table of pressure loss in plastic pipe. I'm sure someone on this forum can point you to one. I think I found the info I needed at Aquatic Ecosystems web site. You would be surprised how much pressure it takes to force air through a long pipe. I am pumping my air about 350 feet and if I remember correctly I lose several PSI using the 1/2 inch pipe I'm using. 3/8 inch pipe might work for a 900 foot run if you hardly have any volume going through it. Losses depend on the flow rate and pipe size. Depending on what you use pipe can be cheap so check the pressure loss and do it right. Also need to consider the loss in the aerator itself and all the other valving, etc.. Add it all up and make sure you don't lose too much or you'll just waist you time and money on something that just gives you a trickle.

Gotta get back to fishin!