Originally Posted By: esshup

The last time I tried cage culture I had some bullies that really grew quick, and some that looked like they were stunted. How often and how should culling BG in a cage be done?

my first order in, i seperated the smaller ones and put them in tanks. I feed them some new life spectrums small fish food and cyclopeze. both are very high protein 45-50%. They grow like crazy on it.

I noticed the samething you did esshup. about 3 out of 25 got the biggest and meanest.
how earley can you tell male from female? one of my bigger ones had more of the charictaristics of a female. paler, almost silver, were the other ones that grew big were dark with pronounced strips and dark spot on the rear of the dorsal fin. This one was the meanest, and i had to put it in a tank alone, or the others didnt get to eat.