i'm just not quite sure if i'm headed for a train wreck, or a somewhat unique way to achieve large bream........another major factor to consider is that until i have supplemental summer water the carrying capacity will be significantly affected each dry season if my 6-foot water level loss is going to be typical. the pond surface area shrinks from about 0.9 to 0.6 acre and max depth from 15 to 9. this will concentrate the fish and lead to free for all feeding with bass present. only the largest and smartest will survive.

ewest, although the pond is not large, i think it'd be really tough to seine because of all the rock structure along the basin floor, but i've never seined a pond, so i dont know, but i like the idea if the various populations dont do what i think they might if left on their own. perhaps the summer drawdown may serve that purpose?

it would be nice to have the choices around here to obtain various strains of bass, but i havent found them. i could pay HUGE shipping charges to say someone like Todd (which i might do for RES if i cant find any in the next 6 months ) the guy i met here yesterday has northerns and spotteds and thats it, but based on my experiences catching spots from local reservoirs, like you said bruce, they are a neat fish and might have a niche in BG population control that northerns or floridas pass right over....i think its worth a try......please dont call me dr. frankendave just yet....i wont earn that til the GSF cross with the BG and beget monster hybrid mongrels from el dorado ;\)

GSF are people too!