Originally Posted By: Dave Davidson1
How long will they be using the water? Or, when does it start benefiting you? With them sucking it out, stocking could get iffy.

They're wanting exclusive water rights for 3-5 years. I get $500 a year. Every time they lay pipe to drain water, I get $250. They will also pay for the water they use, but it drops to a nickel a barrel since they are gonna be doing all these improvements. Seems like a good plan. Hell, I hope they hit the mother lode of oil! Not only do I benefit, we all will by reducing our need for foreign oil and reducing the price we pay at the pump. I'll be posting before, during, and after pics of the progress. I know you guys like to look at pics. LOL! I'll keep you all informed on the finer details. Again, thanks and have a great day!

Warning: My Dog Has A Gun And Refuses To Take His Meds!