Only because of the mention of musky here, I have to ask: Has anyone ever seen a kind of low budget fishing show on TV called Rod-n-Reel Streamside featuring a guy named Don Meisner? It was on maybe ten years ago.

There was one episode where he was fishing a river in the North East and his buddy hooks into a huge musky. The whole rest of the show is basically this guy fighting the one musky.

Then right before the 30 minute show is up, the musky gets off.

During the ending run of commercials before the next program, the TV cuts back to Don Meisner. He says how they thought they'd never see that fish again, but as they're going back to shore, they see this same huge musky sunning itself in these weeds.

So they go and get a net and try to sneak up on it. Sure enough, the net the thing. They hold the net up out of the water, and somehow the net gets a hole in it, and the musky falls back into the water, never to be seen again.

The show itself was never good, but I've always wondered if anyone else ever saw that episode.

Excerpt from Robert Crais' "The Monkey's Raincoat:"
"She took another microscopic bite of her sandwich, then pushed it away. Maybe she absorbed nutrients from her surroundings."