Originally Posted By: jturbo

I will probably let it sit a few months while I get thru the spring rains. Maybe a miracle will happen and it will slow down with the leaking. Is there a leaking pond rain dance kind of thing I should consider?
It sounds like I need to line the DAM and the Basin with a foot or two of clay and probably some bentonite/pondseal/ess13 kind of stuff.

To compact/line the dam, would it be better to tear it out and redo the core? Or would it be good enough to dig back the face and then use the sheepsfoot compact the face in lifts as the dirt is put back?

Hey jturbo sorry about your leak. Back in January I helped a member in Tx solve his cattail problem with the following formula (slightly modified for dam leaks) you must follow it to the LETTER to have any hope at all!
#1 Stop shaving NOW!
#2 Place a complete change of clothes in a trash bag along with 7 vidalia onions, two navel oranges, an unopened pack of Marlboro Lights(soft-pack only) and a 2 Pints of Smirnoff. Seal the bag tight and stuff it under the seat of your truck.
#3 In the next day or two find an old used tractor tire and place it exactly 6 paces either North or East of your leak. Then every night after everyone is bed sneak out there and urinate in it. (IMPORTANT!!DO NOT SKIP A NIGHT)
#4 Continue this until Monday night 4/18/11 (full moon!) then retrieve the bag, put on the clothes, flush the cigs down the toilet and pour the Smirnoff over your head making sure it runs down into and through the beard you should have going by now. (#1)
#5 OK Here's where it gets good!!!! At 11:45 pm take a black Sharpie marker and draw big circles around both your eyes all the way from eyebrows to cheek bones! Now at exactly 12.01 set the tire on fire and wait till it gets a GOOD burn going. Then throw your hands in the air like you just don't care, raise your right leg up and start hopping around the fire COUNTERCLOCKWISE while shouting PLUGYA! PLUGYA! PLUGYA! as loud as you can. Make three complete revolutions in this manner then quickly drop your right leg lift the left one and start hopping around the burning tire clockwise for three revolutions shouting even Louder!! Now grab your pistol out of the glove box and a handful of ammo...return to the fire..take off all your clothes, sit by the fire and begin shooting into the air while screaming the mantra from above. After you have fired 10 shots, get the onions and oranges and throw them as hard as you can at where you suspect the leak is coming from and Shout SERENITY NOW!!! Each time you chunk one. When you've thrown them all (9) return to sit by the fire and empty ALL the rounds you have left directly into the burning tractor tire (so that the sparks rise into the night sky like thousands of lightening bugs)
#6 The next morning when you are released from the police station or the mental health facility, go out to the ashes, look at your dam situation and I promise you will realize that a leaking dam is the LEAST of your problems!!!!!
Glad I could help FFF
PS This dance works wonders to put all kinds of stressors in perspective( GLOBAL WARMING-CORPARATE BAILOUTS-IMMIGRATION REFORM-UNREST IN THE MIDDLE EAST ETC ETC )..not just cattails and leaks.