A couple more days blue-boxin' and wire pullin'. I keep goin' back to Menards during the week to grab a couple more dozen boxes, thinkin' that this is gonna do it. The following week I'm back there again. No biggie, since the boxes are cheap. The wire?...well, that's another story. Like most phases of this project, I always say that I'm gonna go back and tally the amount of one thing or another that I used. The wire is starting to seem like miles, and the cost of copper goes up another 5 - 7% each week that I go back to buy more.
I'm pleased to report that I am on the downstroke of this electical rough-in. In fact, if things go as planned, I am going to ask Dski to join me this weekend for a 3-dayer to wrap it up and call in the county inspector on the last day.

I counted 19 separate 120 volt circuits and another 10 240 volt circuits. The following pic details part of this weekend's goal...sort out and hook up the spaghetti. In fact, only half the 240 volt circuits are represented...5 more will be added.

Oh yeah, and another yearly event...