The trout came today and we got them stocked. I was very happy with what I received, they were plump and colorful. There may have been one or two that didn't make it, the rest seemed to disperse pretty quickly. I went down to the pond about 2 hours after I stocked it and the trout had spread out across the dam, could see goldens here and there along it's length from walking about 1/4 the way up the dam. I took the hook off of a kastmaster and threw in a few times from the top of the spillway and could see the fish swarming around it. Couldn't resist trying to hook one so I switched lures and got a good hit after about 10 casts. It came off about a foot from the bank which was fine with me as I was going to put it back anyway. I'm working this weekend but I think I'll see if I can catch some dinner Monday smile

Also, I went to the local feed supply place to see what they had for feed and all they had in stock was Game Fish Chow and some of the Aquamax omnivore stuff for catfish and tilapia, which I thought was weird for this area. I'll need to order the Aquamax 600 by tomorrow and it'll come on Wednesday. Will the trout eat Game Fish Chow and is it suitable for them? I know it won't produce the growth of Aquamax, but is it ok as a feed for trout?