Soil Test results are in:

Soil Group 1 = Sandy Soil
PH = 5.3

Extractable nutrients in pounds per acre
Phosphorus= 2
Potassium = 103
Magnesium = 120
Calcium = 412
Lime-Stone (recommendation)= 1.5 tons/acre

I am not surprised to see a low PH, but the soil group really confuses me. As advised by test lab, I took sample of clay which was obtained by digging a 24 inch hole in 3 areas to get to what seemed to me good clay. (I made some of it into baseball size balls and it's dried out and still a very solid ball). For the sample, I dried out the 'clay' and crushed it into smaller pieces then sent it in. It did not want to break up and I had to work at it to separate it. If I need to do another soil sample doing it differently, that will be no problem.

Anyone have an idea of how the Phosphorus, Potassium, Magnesium, and Calcium look for a fish pond?

Regarding lime, I'm thinking 4 tons for this .8 acre pond. The test said that up to 2 to 3 times the recommendation can be added for increased longevity without harming the fish.

Other than the soil test, I have now read 'Perfect Pond...Want One? and 'Water Weeds and Algae' (both of which I found well written and definitely enjoyed reading both), but that's the extent of progress made so far.