Only 10 years ago:

loading photos to this site

From: Editor, Mark McDonald
Date: 12 Jan 2001
Time: 16:47:03
Remote Name:

Bob: Grand idea, yours, about sending pond-related photos to this site. We all could benefit from the shared information and field experience. After all, every pond or lake presents a new set of challenges relative to water chemistry, climate, fish population dynamics and other factors.

Trouble is, readers seem to have paralysis when it comes to taking photos of their ponds. Worse, that condition turns into constipation when it comes to sending them to me.

In my nine-plus years as editor, I can count on my two hands and feet the number of readers who submitted photos. Frustrated, I welcome any suggestions on stimulating readers to respond.

(signed,) Mark McDonald Editor, Pond Boss Boerne, TX 830.816.2548 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 830.816.2548

Things change huh?