Originally Posted By: Brettski
Well RockyT, that is indeed an extreme project to battle solar problems. I hate to see it happen to such a unique and beautiful home design, but something tells me to hang tight and wait to see what that architecturally overactive mind of yours will come up with next. I mean that in a good way.
Is the sail cloth going to be something that goes up and down based on seasons?

Actually the intent of the design is to be able to open and close it anytime you wish. I have invisioned putting two mast at the top corners on each side of the windows to pull the sail across and attach and secure them in the open position. The material is a very high end solar panel. From inside the house you can still see the open ski thru it. If all fails I'll just cut them up and make traditional sun screens out of them. I would have done that to begin with but I wanted something that opened and closed. So I can still star gaze from my lazyboy.

The road goes on forever and the party nevers end...............................................