Good job, Theo! That's got to be rewarding to catch the fruits of your labor. Nice to see that the RES transitioned well from the basement to the pond. I wouldn't have fared as well after being locked in your basement.

I had a similar feeling about a week ago...I caught one of the LMB we fin-clipped. We clipped the tops of the caudal fin for LMB from one hatchery, and the bottoms of LMB from another hatchery, and no clippings on the LMB from a third hatchery. Very interesting to see the numbers and sizes for the different clippings. Keep us posted on the RES transition!

"Only after sorrow's hand has bowed your head will life become truly real to you; then you will acquire the noble spirituality which intensifies the reality of life. I go to an all-powerful God. Beyond that I have no knowledge--no fear--only faith."