Thanks everyone. All is well. Little boy Gordan has some elevated white blood count so not letting us leave until monday but other than that not complaints. God is great! Labor was so much better for the wife and baby this go around.

Randy we have the pic of Wr of Wyatt somewhere. I gotta try and better than one-but tall order. So far Gordan has the better Wr 21" and 9-3lbs. Better than Wyatt's-so far.

The name is fromn two great frisherman. Wendy's uncle Gordan was a great fisherman from Kansas and best friend with Wendy's Dad. They got some awesome fish tales. WHen my Dad passed we said they should do some fishing in heaven- Man wonder what fish they catch up there. We feel they sent us the little one so named it after uncle and my Dad. He should be an awesome fisherman. I share the middle name with my Dad so lots of Lee's out there fishing.

Thanks for all your prayers in getting Wyatt here. I think they continued and God gave us one naturally this time. Just in time for my 40th birthday. Thanks for allowing me to share.

Greg Grimes