Thanks Greg. I was out again this evening. I had a doe and yearling at 40 yds due downwind when I walked in, and it took me walking out in the open for them to realize a human was that close.

About 45 minutes later, a buck showed up 175 yards away, and within the next 30 minutes he was joined by 5 others. The biggest bodied deer was an old 6 point, sway back and drooping belly. The deer with the very long G2's showed up as well. Still no sign of that 10 point or his son, so I watched the show 'till 1/2 hr after dark (1 hr after sunset).

There were 2 button bucks and a couple of does out with them as well. The bucks all got into a shoving match with each other at one time or another, but nothing serious. Serious enough that I could hear the antlers hitting each other at that distance tho!

It's getting cool out, so I might tag a doe tomorrow or Thursday if the correct opportunity presents itself.
3/4 to 1 1/4 ac pond LMB, SMB, PS, BG, RES, CC, YP, Bardello BG, (RBT & Blue Tilapia - seasonal).