Joe, for what it's worth, I'm hoping to add 2 to my pond this Friday. Obviously there's not a huge need for weed control (or maybe not so obviously, but in my pond, weeds aren't bad right now) at this time of year for many folks. But, my thinking is just to go ahead and get them in now so they are well-acclimated with the pond by spring when stuff starts to emerge and they can start doing their thing. I dosed with Whitecap this summer and it did a pretty nice job of finally eliminating all but the last bits of watermeal I was after and cold is finally getting those that are hanging on. The Whitecap, though, knocked everything else out, too, so no weeds issues. The chara is starting to grow back and is probably a couple of inches tall now, but I figure its days are numbered with the seasonal change coming on. The GC will have some of that work on if they wish and otherwise, will have to wait for spring emergence, but they'll be in place for when it begins.

Todd La Neve

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