Sorry for the delay, I have been busy with work. Thanks for the ideas/help. This is what has happened thus far. I decided to go ahead and finish filling up the pond while I had the chance (long story of using a farmers well water that I had to dump into an empty canal and then into a ditch in order to fill my pond all to avoid unwanted fish species) and this was accomplished by taking an inner tube and using a large clamp and creating a temporary seal over the end of the pipe. This allowed me to fill the pond and let the pipe dry out for the repair. The leak is along the collar and pvc joint just off from the top of the pipe. After a closer inspection I found that there seems to be a lack of pipe cement/glue in the area. The suggestion of using the pvc leak repair looked good but after a call to the company I found that they only make the pvc collars for up to 4” pipe and my pipe is 10”. I have kind of settled on a product called plast-aid. I ordered some and it should be here any day. If any of you have any experience with this stuff please let me know.