Ewest asked me to "clarify" the Proportional Size Distribution vs. Proportional Stock Density issue. I guess this is most important for you pondmeiseters who REALLY care. \:\)

PSD was originally called proportional stock density by Dr. Anderson when he created this index back in the early 1970s (I was still in high school). Over the years, within the fisheries profession, there has been some discussion that stock density is really not measured. Instead, we are measuring size structure or size distribution. So, we have been toying around with changing the proportional stock density name to something else, perhaps proportional size distribution (which was suggested by Dr. Anderson).

Again, for those of you who REALLY care, PSD often does reflect density in ponds, but not always in larger water bodies.

So, functionally, none of this really matters to those of you who calculate PSD. Nothing has changed, and life goes on. \:\) It's a great tool.

By the way, I encourage all of you to welcome and engage Dr. Richard Anderson on this forum. Dick is retired, and should have LOTS of time to help everyone, right Dick?? Seriously, in my classes, I call Dick the "father of the rebirth of fisheries management." He did SO much for our profession! Plus, he's a great guy.

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From Bob Lusk: Dr. Dave Willis passed away January 13, 2014. He continues to be a key part of our Pond Boss family...and always will be.