Here is a overhead view of my property and one of the layout I am toying with.

One of things we wanted to do was leave an open view all the way to the back of the property. The upper right is where most of the water will flow, so we added a pipe and a place where we can cross. This catch basin (or what ever the proper name is) will allow a place to keep dirt from finding it's way into the pond. The plan is to make 2 berms on either side with spruce and ornamental grasses and maybe 2 trees either side of the ditch.

On the right side (North) we will add some trees to add color to that side. The curved bushed area is an idea to place a golf hole, and outline it with bushes.

The left side (South) we will have 2 lines of trees, with some spruce placed closest to the pond for color. The back trees I want to have fast growing, so I'm looking at tulip trees/maples as I've said earlier. Behind that we will plant some prairie grass, grapes, blackberries, etc. Hopefully I can also find a place to plant a few fruit trees.

The bottom toward the house has the dam and another 12 ft deep ditch that will have a foot bridge to cross.

Finally I have a old 3 legged windmill (40ft tall) that is mint condition and is fully functional. I need to find a place for it as it as it is not installed at this point. It will be primarily be used for looks, but I am wondering if it could be used for aeration?

So I'm open for ideas on trees and the windmill. Like I said it is in the idea stage now, but in the next few weeks I need to start planting the trees and grass around the pond.