Just an update for those of you with interest in pond loops. This has been quite a learning experience for me. As you recall, I had windmill aeration beforehand.
Two very important questions that installers should ask you:

1. Do you have an aerator? (Windmill or other)
2. Do you ever plan on aerating your pond?

If you answered YES to either question, then GEO LOOPS in your pond are NOT good. It has been proven and I don't want to get into a complicated issue here, but can cause your loops to float. One geo installer in my aftermath research for resolve told me, he personally would NEVER do pond loops, now I know why.

Jeff, This week I am finally having my pond loops done away with and my geo installation will be in the GROUND.

Last edited by MarkECIN; 08/14/10 06:07 AM.