Wow JHAP, we may have a spot for you if you're looking for a new job. You nailed all the important points.

We have explored solar aeration extensively and still can't justify making it part of our product line. It's not that it can't be done, it's just incredibly expensive and most people don't have the budget to afford it. In general, we've found that the solar components cost about twice the amount of the aeration components. This is assuming the system has battery backup to run at night when you need it most. There are some package systems out there but in my opinion the claims as to the size of water body that they will aerate are way overstated.

I agree with the others that you probably don't have an oxygen problem in this new, lightly stocked pond....yet. But it would be worth while to find out. Good luck.

Richard Dennis
EP Aeration
(800) 556-9251