Great info, Greg, especially about the concentration differences. Exactly what I would expect from you! That is tremendous detail and I really appreciate you sharing with me. Your thinking makes perfect sense about multiple treatments and a slightly heavier concentration of chemicals to get the job done. I had figured that it would take an ongoing effort, into next year as well, to get rid of this crud.

Let me ask you this - I don't want to kill everything else in the pond, though wouldn't mind getting rid of some of it as I've already mentioned in earlier posts. When you are talking about 3 - 6 oz. of Reward doing just that, should I consider a smaller ratio, perhaps 2 - 4 oz. for a more limited effect? Or would doing so reduce the effectiveness on the watermeal? Again, as I've already posted, if I have to sacrifice this year's crop of plants to get rid of the watermeal, I'm in. I just want that stuff gone and I suspect the other weeds will grow back in time.

And to further clarify, would I then want to go with the low end concentration - ~13 oz. - of Weedtrine? Would that be enough to kill the watermeal but spare some of the other plants?

I am going to see if the local TSC carries the Weedtrine (the website says it's available) and surfactant. If they do, I'm going to go that route this morning just so I can get started and maybe see some progress by the time I get back to town Monday evening. What you are saying makes perfect sense about having the stronger chemicals available in the long run, and I will come to you for the purchase of those things. Might be a few weeks, but I'll be in touch.

Thanks again for all the info.

Todd La Neve

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