Originally Posted By: jeffhasapond
My vote is B. This is not a function of monitor size, I have a 24.5" inch monitor and I still have to scroll. I gotta tell ya this is a major annoyance for me on this forum. Every time I click on a post I have to use a scroll bar at the bottom to re-center.

I always read the forums by using the "Active Topics" and past 24 hours feature. This gives me a list of the posts that have occurred recently. Having them appear at the right seems redundant.

I am using Mozilla Firefox. Is this scroll issue caused by particular browsers?

It's not special to Firefox...I'm using IE 8.0 and have the same issue, and it IS annoying. Not life or death...but slows me down a bit. A change would be welcome...but I'm just one person.

In a lifetime, the average driver will honk 15,250 times. My wife figures I'm due to die any day now...