The lures arrived from Ca in fine shape a few days ago. Since FCM67693 and I are going to tag-team the ponds, I thought it would only be fair to wait until he could come over and fish my pond together. He swung by about an hour before dark with his daughter and son. I thought we'd have a tough time fishing the pond with the really warm water temps. Surface temps is 83°. There are virtually no fish taking any fish food. I was right, the fishing was slow.

We opened the magic box and selected our weapons. I thought that the spoon from Sweden hadn't been christened yet, so that's what I started with.

It was a good choice. It'll cast a country mile without even trying, and because of the weight, it seemed to get down to the cooler water where the trout were hanging out. It has really good action, and you can tell immediately if a piece of FA is on the hook, killing the nice side-to-side wobble. I probably missed 5 or 6 strikes, before I hung one for good. It put up a pretty good fight, even clearing the water a time or 2. It's the new pond record for a RBT.

18" long, 3.20#

I kept at it, and could feel trout taking swipes at the lure, but only one more was hungry enough to inhale it, and boy, did it suck it down! I ended up going thru the gill flap to undo the hook. That trout was slightly smaller than the first one.

Here's FCM67693 first fish, a small male LMB.

The males are guarding schools of LMB fry, I'm guessing the females are fattening up in deeper water. The BG and RES are on the beds, but a few are still cruising around in deeper water. Here's his daughter with her first fish.

Here's the smallest fish of the day, caught on the rooster tail in the pic:

The kids had fun, but the sun set all too quickly, so we had to hurry and take a quick run to the lake house. I had wet a line earlier and had a few 7" or so Male BG, a Female BG about 6" and a 6"-7" Female RES in a holding pen that were going with FCM67693 to their new home at his pond.

Tomorrow we'll meet at his pond and see what the lures can do there. grin
3/4 to 1 1/4 ac pond LMB, SMB, PS, BG, RES, CC, YP, Bardello BG, (RBT & Blue Tilapia - seasonal).