Moms update

We had our appointment on Wednesday with Dr. Lewing. Nonnie came with us and Unk Jim sat with Matt. Unfortunately, the news isn't good. The tumor has grown about 40% and there is leaking into his ventricles. Nonnie and I looked at the scan of the MRI - and...again...unfortunately... a picture says a thousand words. A picture NO Parent would like to see of their child! We were also told Matt could go suddenly.

We are holding on to a message Emileigh received from one of her friends - 'DOCTORS DON'T MAKE THE LAST DECISION, GOD DOES'!!!!!!!!

We met with Hospice "Carousel Pediactrics" yesterday - a nurse and a social worker. Someone will come visit Matt 3 times a week, possibly a volunteer to sit and read with Matt and music therapy. They were very nice and after feeling anxiety all day - it turned out to be a good meeting. They are available 24/7.

Also, yesterday morning some of my Bible study group came over and prayed with Matt. Thank You Ladies! There was a peaceful feeling after and prepared us for the Hospice meeting.

Today we are able to take Matt to the KC Royals game - we get to sit in a Suite! Matt is looking forward to it. Thanks Jeff!

Rhonda & Bright Cherubs Preschool have organized meals for us for the next couple of weeks so we can focus on Matt and not have to worry about dinners! Thank you to ALL of YOU!

We do appreciate your concern, thoughts & prayers! We want you to know - we are not giving up HOPE and still are praying for VICTORY for Matt!!!!

Peace - Light & Love, The Hernan Family

A little snow, Please!