Originally Posted By: Brettski
As a budding pondologist, I have taken measured steps to create the fish facet. I could only do it correctly with the guidance of the Pond Boss core moderator team. For this facet, Pond Boss was invaluable and I am grateful. I have many more facets to hone, though. They all exist above the waterline in the form of wildlife habitat, flora, and human habitat. Guidance regarding these facets is poorly represented within Pond Boss. Yes, Dan VanS does a great job with his articles, but I find most are larger in scope and don't relate directly to small time pond perimeter development. Yes, we see an occassional article about wood duck housing or similar, but nothing consistent and expanded in a larger category of wildlife habitat development.

Nice job with the article in the May/June '10 mag, Dan VanS....decimated the critique.