I just need to get Mrs. BZ to work like that Dski. Then my projects will get done.
bz, man...you've done enough of these things to know that projects are never really done. The key is letting her be the boss. Ooowee, did she tear into me a few times when I would mess up the finish while striking off the pad.
The concrete driver dumped a couple yards into the forms for us to work on. He got out of the truck, and walked over to Dski as she was bustin' hump sawing the 2 x 6 across the 12' pad (uphill, no less). He walked right up to her and said "here, let me help" as she ignored him and kept on sawing. He leaned over, hand out to grab the 2 x 6 and says "really, let me do this". Remember Gort on The Day the Earth Stood Still? She turned her head and shot 2 evil-eye laser beams straight at his face. She gritted her teeth like Dirty Harry, squinted her eyes and delivered "I can do it myself!" He stepped back and looked at me like it was MY pit-bull that got out of the cage. I just shrugged and kept my hands on the 2 x 6 as it suddenly surged into double time.
Wait 'til he looks in the mirror tomorrow morning and sees Klaatu barada nikto laser etched into his forehead.