Jimmy, the kind of guy your farmhand is kind of irks me. He invites his buddies, without asking you, to come and help themselves. Next, the buddies will invite their buddies. It is a vicious cycle. I would let the renter keep fishing with one caveat. He has to keep others out. If you want to let the farmhand fish, that is OK too, but NOT his buddes. Personally, I wouldn't let somebody who thinks like the farmhand ever fish again. He should have asked before letting others fish. They will sue your A$$ off at their first opportunity, if something happens. You owe his buddies fishing rights, so you owe them other things if something happens.

As far as the pressure goes, it all depends on the lake and your fishing ability. They can handle a lot of pressure, if the pond/lake is fertile. In some ways, on a bass pond, I consider pressure good and I prefer it on my father's pond. These catfish guys and fishing idiots aren't going to catch many bass on there zebco 33's and ultralights, if there is some pressure. Therefore, they won't be hauling out many 5-8 lbers on rooster tails and beetle spins. If you are a moderate to good bass fisherman, you'll still catch plenty, but they won't jump in your boat.

Sorry to chime in so late. Just catching up a bit.

Last edited by Robinson; 03/30/10 11:14 AM.

Robinson, PI (Politically Incorrect, of Course)