As we continue to develop our pondsite from scratch, I thought it might be the better decision to split out the launch and dock construction under a separate thread. This way, anyone looking for information for the specific category won't get lost in the pond construction stuff. I have transferred the beginning presentation of the subject from the Principal Spillway Logic thread to this thread and will follow it's development here.
If there is a chance that I can pay back the PB forum support crew by helping just one other brethren, then this thread will have served a good purpose.
Well, on to the next project; the concrete work for 2 docks and a boat launch.
Jeesh, another reflection on the work that concrete guys do...truly more new-found respect! We have formed up the first pour of the launch. The rebar is laid within the forms, but not yet tied and put up on the bar chairs.

We have drilled ten 12" dia holes for the concrete piers that will support the dock that borders the launch for 44 feet with a 14' x 16' covered deck at the end. We have also installed small rebar cages within the concrete pier forms for added stability.

There another 8 more of these holes at the beach area for a smaller 20' x 12' "L" shaped dock. The 20' section runs along the edge of the sand beach (recommended by Ewest), and the 12' "L" section turns away at 90 degrees into a quick drop-off that will put it into 6-7 ft of water...a great place to temporarily tie up the Liberty Ferry.
Oh yeah...we aren't hurtin' for rain, either. The banks are runnin' little erosion channels and the rye is just startin' to sprout. Nothing too severe and we really got a gully washer a couple of days ago. The 1 acre area in front of the dam has about 4-5 feet of water. We gotta hustle up this concrete work and shift to the tire pyramids and PVC tree structures. The race with Mother Nature is on.
( on to the new stuff...)