Raising kids to be rsponsibble beeings are a difficult task on all matters.
The subject here (fire arms)have a lot of simmilarities with driving any weicle.
How to behave when in posesion/charge of one.
Then we have to be good examples, for them to follow.
I think when they reach 15-20 years is a very difficult age, thats when they realy start pushing the boundrys/limits, mingling with "friends" you don't know(neiter the parents of these), experimenting with alcohol(X-drugs?).
They have reached a age where its natural to go
hunting/driving/camping on there own.
Thats were I hope they have the guts to opose or don't drift along with the rest, when their basic education/upbringing tells them so.
It takes guts to oppose to your friends at seirtan ages, specially if your argument is my father/mother has told me no.

We can't demonise weapons cars ........ but be more honest on ouer nearby incidents, and be carfule knot to brag about or make a funnie storie out off our own/friends mistakes, when they are so young that they can't distinct the chime of the story.
(How stupid/silly/imature we where, an lucky that we now can tell and laugf about it).

Also keep in mind what status you can achive amongst friends if you are allowd carring a gun or driving a weicle under age, you might ewen hand it on (let friend borrow) to lift your status further.
This is common/natural amongst kids and not a bad boy streetgang

A wery big part of my arms educatin, was handeling the game(respect). It anoid my mother, and now my wife when I hand it on.
But it made me, and now my kids understand, wounded is wounded and dead is dead, there is no reset buton in real life, but most surtanly possible/potential consequenses.

I don't know if thread starter gets any viser, on the subject but raising kids has no reciepie/formula only guidlines, and even when you do it all "right" there is a possibiletie to fail.
So learning/listening to each other, and to do ouer best in advice/guiding is an important matter, the world is becoming so small, so the luggage our kids are carring in the matter of behavior, can most surtantlie have a impact on each others life.
And in the end we all wana be proud of them