thats great info duckdude, thanks. i never considered seeking federal assistance, and my county is well known for its indifference. even if i did seek and recieve an offer of assistance, my geographic area is much more problematic in finding productive groundwater than yours. i live on bedrock and the water travels in discrete fractures which are not easy to locate. it could take tens of thousands of dollars of trying to locate a producing vein, and if you found any, it might be at depths as great as 900 feet, from which no practical solar array could extract the water.

i'm glad to see you have some real water available, as you probably already figured, to put 1 inch of water in a 1 acre pond takes over 25,000 gallons. to keep up with an inch per day loss due to evaporation and/or slight leaking would require 15 to 20 gpm ballpark. sounds like you got that covered!!

GSF are people too!