Some additional info via Bass Times - Jan 2010 by Dr. Keith Jones director of Fish Research at Berkley about LMB in winter.

For every drop of 18 F in body temperature a bass' metabolic rate is reduced to 1/3rd its previous rate. Liver and digestive processes are hit especially hard. A meal of shad that at 70F took only 2 or 3 days to digest , at 60F may need 4 or 5 days to complete. The bass is beginning to struggle physiologically.

Around 60 F the outward behavioral signs of cooling may be marginal. From 60 to 50 F , however they become readily observable as the animal grows increasingly more sluggish. Dropping from 50 to 40 ... full fledged winter , the behavioral changes are major. At temperatures below 40 F ,bass essentially enter a state of dormancy. ...a large portion of the bass population will be resting with their pelvic fins and tails in contact with the bottom , wholly inactive with gill rates measuring about one breath per minute.

Cold bass can't swim very fast , long or far before tiring.