the devil's in the details...
Wow, more newfound respect. This time it's for sheet metal workers.
The easy part is laying in the metal panels. Once it's laid out squarely, we found a rhythm and rocked. Constantly moving the ladders sucked, but it's the price for admission. I really thought we would surely get both lower roof sections knocked out this weekend. Then...the trim. Man, does that go slow. Not doing this kinda stuff on a regular basis didn't help. Nip...tuck...snip...screw. Jeesh, it definitely qualifies as "right when I'm good at it, I'll be done".
Anyway, we got one lower roof section completely done and started laying in the roof panels on the opposite side when the rain arrived on Sunday. If we can get 2 decent days, we should have the other lower roof completed. Strangely, the upper roof (which is by far the most real estate) will probably go fast since it's all panels and very little custom trim cutting. Yeah....right.
Oh yeah, we finally succumbed to selecting the dark green. It's the only color that worked for us, particularly since it was important to have it blend in with the surroundings.
