Originally Posted By: Anna

I just finished trapping and spaying three cats and I had to capture a litter of feral kittens. I went from one cat to eight in 6 months! No more Crack Ho's at my house! Those loose women have been fixed!

When I lived at home years ago my niece donated two cute kitties to our barn. We welcomed them as they were great at reducing the mouse population in the barn. But they reproduced and soon we had over 20 cats running around killing everything in sight, yanking baby birds out of their nests right outside the window while my parents watched in horror drinking their morning coffee, the quail we just planted etc. etc. And the wailing of a cat in heat at three in the morning was annoying too.

I love cats as much as anyone but one has to manage their numbers just like the fish in our ponds. It's hard on them too if there are to many, and I know a farm that lost every last one of them to a disease outbreak.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.