As a member of a training gun dog club here in IA. We have had the privilege of several vets come and talk to our group about first aid. One of them is Doc Holcomb whom writes for Gun Dog Magazine (who is also my vet). I also have gone through the Red Cross's Pet First Aid course plus I staid at a holiday inn express last night so here goes my two cents:

A few things came to mind reading the above posts. I know super glue is recommended alot by fellow hunters for good size gashes and open wounds. But recent teachings have led away from the regular hunter using this method. Several reasons have come up: 1) Wounds do better open to the air than closed, as this does not allow the more nasty anaerobic bacteria to take hold at the problem site which can lead to severe infection and death for the animal. And 2) Most amateurs that super glue their wounds, the vets, in most cases, can not reopen them to stitch/staple them to let them heal properly and the animal is left with at least a nasty scar.

One item I do carry in my bag that I didn't see mentioned is EMT gel. This is a gel that when contacting the skin, hardens and seals to both protect the wound and has an antibiotic solution that is held against the site. This gives you enough time to stabilize and transport the animal to the nearest vet for further investigation and aids in the healing process. The EMT is a temporary solution and can be removed unlike super glue.

As soon as I can find my first aid list given to us by Mr. Holcomb and the reasons he recommended it, I'll post it up for interested parties.