Thought I'd provide an update on my pond for anyone who's interested. About a month ago I added 25 6" rainbow trout to my new pond. I've been feeding them floating trout food through the inlet hole of my pond, and each time they've come up to the inlet hole in the ice to feed. The hatchery that I got the rainbows from will be stocking brook trout in the fall, so I may try adding some of them as well. I'm anxious for the ice to melt so that I can add some structure to the pond. I'm also going to add some plant-life in the Spring, as soon as I've researched what will work well in my area, and what will be good for my trout. I'll spend some time looking at previous posts on this board for plant-life that will work well in the Northeast, but if anyone has any suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it.