Get this:
Today i got a 4'4" S. Disk, the lake is looking beautiful, like the old lake, and without any vegetation, this is so wonderful. I took the day off, had two Nuns (fundraising nuns from Boston) out here today, one went for a ride with me in the paddleboat, full habit.
Now get this: GF LakeChairs house was vandalized last night: new fangled version of the old Toilet Paper trick, updated to women's feminine products stuck all over the front of her house, along with condoms filled with lotion, and a large silver long screw placed on her doormant, sounds like the message might be screw you? She is very, very upset. This is Stepfordville, hundreds of hours went into researching the fish kill, the lake is getting better everyday, and then this. Wonder if my house will be next?
Biggest catch yesterday was a 6 pound Walleye.

I subscribe too, but tried and failed at the fish logo.