Randy, thanks for reinforcing that you don't need a huge colony to repel houseflies. I edited my previous post to be more clear.

267, my best guess at this point is that you have too many food scraps for the size of your colony. If food is going uneaten for days and days then you probably should stop feeding for a while and let the colony expand enough to catch up.

If your egg clusters are from the wild BSF population your colony is ready to bloom. If the eggs are from a starter kit then you may need a little more patience until the wild BSF find your unit. Whatever you do don't use any grubs as feed until you have established the breeding cycle. Until you're getting almost constant reproduction I recommend protecting all mature BSF grubs to the point where they emerge from their pupae. After that they're on their own. Being in Texas I can't imagine that you won't have a robust colony going very soon. I know someone culturing BSF on an 8th floor balcony in Dallas. \:\)