Originally Posted By: Tom F
Here is what works for me. I have a half acre pond. In my 5 gallon sprayer put a half gallon of cutrine plus and fill the rest with water. I go along the bank and spray from the shore to 3-4 feet out. I cover have of the pond with the 5 gallons. I wait a day or two then do the same on the other half of the pond. Then after six weeks or so need to repeat the process.

So based on the chart on the bottle, you are basically treating your pond to the 4 foot depth. 2.4 gallon per acre for 4 feet. You have a 1/2 acre and are spraying 1/2 gallon per half of the pond or 1 gallon for the entire pond.

The part that isn't clear is how are they determining the depth. Is this the depth of the algae growth, or is this an average depth of the pond. How can you determine how deep algae is growing?