Originally Posted By: jeffhasapond
some people it just doesn't pay to taunt, they have powers beyond mere mortals.

I think I'm one of those people. I've had two people unjustly give me a really hard time and both died shortly after that of natural causes at a fairly young age. I know it was probably just a coincidence but... \:o

On a funny note I told this to a fellow taxidermist on a taxidermy website that had given me a hard time. He emailed me and told me he had just been flooded out and whatever I was doing to cut it out. I jokingly told him I'd take the vodoo doll of him out of the bathtub.

Last edited by Cecil Baird1; 05/13/09 11:13 PM.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.